Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Day 17

Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs

Guess what I did today?  I was in bed with a migraine.  I do not get them often.  Maybe 2 a year.  They are AWEFUL.  I hid myself in my dark guest room and tried to ignore all of the noises of my house that I never seemed to notice before.  

Around 5ish I started to feel a bit better.  I was unable to eat supper.

All I could think about was doing my workout.  My son even told me that he didn't understand why I was woking out when I'm sick.  I told him that I didn't have a choice.  I tried to explain to him that I made a promise to myself and I can't let "me" down.  

Hubby and I talked about switching up the workouts and doing tomorrows workout today.  My other option was to do two tomorrow.

None of those options were good enough for me.  So we put on our work out gear and shoved in the Pure Cardio DVD.  The only change was that Hubby and I changed workout places.  He went to the front and I went to the back of the room.  I could tell he pushed himself harder than usual to keep me motivated.  So very thankful for him.

I need to go to bed now.  YUCK.


  1. I've tried to do Insanity with a migraine, which usually ends up with me in the bathroom crying. But if I wait until the migraine is on its way out, then often the workout will get rid of that last lingering echo, and sometimes it even chases away the post-migraine hangover as well. Bravo for digging deep and pushing through! :)

  2. I agree. I would have spent half of the time in the toilet if I were doing it earlier in the day when I was at my worst. I feel for anyone who get's lots of them. I would rather have the flu.
